Nicola Manning from Niagara Falls, Ontario!
Congratulations, Nicola, and thanks for entering.
Now, the next door prize, in honor of this month's "revival" theme:

William Martin's novel, The Lost Constitution!
From Publisher's Weekly:
A rare, annotated draft of the U.S. Constitution is at the heart of Martin's entertaining third novel to feature antiquarian book dealer Peter Fallon. As in Harvard Yard (2003), Martin tells two stories. The first chronicles the loss and recovery of the document at the time of the constitutional convention, where young Will Pike attends Massachusetts delegate Rufus King, and its passing through generations of the Pike family to the present. The second traces Fallon's search against deadly competition to find the draft. Throughout, Martin makes clear that people have always tried to use the Constitution for their own purposes, including right-wing Christian fanatics, survivalist gun nuts, liberal gun-banners and greedy entrepreneurs now seeking the lost draft. The Pike family motto: "In America, we get up in the morning, we go to work, and we solve our problems" serves as a unifying theme, and Martin also makes clear that the Constitution—drafts and all—was intended as a unifying agent.
To enter the August "Door Prize" contest, e-mail us at estellabooks (at) gmail (dot) com with your name and address. We will announce the next winner by e-mail and here on the site on September 1, 2007.
1 comment:
Wow! Thanks so much! I am thrilled to have won!
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